
Adinda Got‎ Motorcycle ‏Accident on Bend of Parangtritis Road ‎ ‎

LEAD              Yogyakarta- There was a motorcycle accident that occurred at 5:15 pm on Tuesday on the bend of Parangtritis Road. The riders of the motorcycle were Adinda and her friend "Hasan". They drove the motorcycle with fast speed on a steep incline. Adinda stated that they fell because they did not know the terrain to go to Paralayang Beach. SUPPORTING DETAILS              Based on the scene of the accident, the accident started when the motorcycle which was driven by Adinda lost control. Then, Adinda fell over on the rocks and Adinda's feet were hit by a motorcycle. Then, other riders who saw the accident stopped their vehicle to help Adinda and her friend.  ADDITIONAL DETAILS (QUOTE)             The other riders saw the accident when they were driving. They were on the back of Adinda's vehicle. They saw that Adinda looked confused when on a steep incline. The other riders stated that the cause of the accident was neglected by the riders. Then, no police cam


                              Dolphins are intelligent aquatic mammals and belong to the type of Cetaceans. Dolphins can generally live in various regions in the world, including fresh and salty water types. The physical form of the dolphins have a short and blunt snout and conical teeth. They also have triangular fins in the back of their bodies and tails to swim. Dolphins have a color that varies according to their species. The color can be only one base color or combination, such as gray with blue, white, black, and light gray. The size of dolphins are usually about 2 to 3 meters. Dolphins usually eat fish, crustaceans, and squid.               Dolphins species belong to one family with whales and porpoises. Even so, dolphins are one of the aquatic mammals that are easily tamed. This can be seen from dolphin shows at the zoo. They are very smart to follow the directions of their instructors. Their abilities can make humans stun. If the instructor gives directions through

Toddler Murder by Teenager in Sawah Besar

Jakarta- There had been a murder of a 6-year-old toddler who was committed by a 15- year-old teenager in Sawah Besar, Jakarta at home of the murderer “NF”. The murder of the victim "APA" was committed on Thursday, March 5, 2020. At that time, as usual NF and APA played together because they were neighbors. However, NF tied APA's neck and gagged APA's mouth with cloth precisely. Then, NF drowned APA in a tub until she was out of breath. NF tortured APA with stabbed and strangled. All these things that killed APA. Moreover, the APA's body was put in a wardrobe by NF. She still felt calm after killing her friend “APA” sadistically. Of course, the parents of APA felt very worried because APA could not be found. NF saw all the people trying to look for APA. NF posted a status in her facebook account about the situation of APA. NF posted “The lifeless toddler is still in my wardrobe." Everyone looks for APA. However, they still do not find APA. Besides that, no one

Making Delicious Javanese Chicken Noodle Soup (Soto Ayam Jawa)

                         Java has many traditional foods that have a unique taste. One of the traditional javanese foods is javanese chicken noodle soup. As we know, traditional javanese food is a complicated food. However, we can make it in easy ways. It is a simple recipe to make javanese chicken noodle soup for 6 people. You can follow these instructions. First, prepare the ingredients and utensils that are needed. The ingredients include 1 liter of water, ½ kg of local chicken, 4 sheets of orange leaf, 3 sheets of leek, 2 sheets of celery, ¼ kg of sprouts, ¼ kg of cabbage, 2 tomatoes, 1 pound of lemongrass, 1 cinnamon, 3 cloves (cengkih), 2 packs of glass noodles, ground spices (7 cloves of garlic, 4 cloves of shallot, 4 candlenuts, 1/2 tea spoons ground pepper, 1 turmeric segment), salt and sugar sufficient. Other than that, the utensils include blender, knife, chopping board, soup ladle, stewpan, stove, 3 bowls, spoon, and fork. Second, cut the local chicken into 6 pieces and was